Created by internationally renowned composer and percussionist Ney Rosauro, this unique series of marimba and vibraphone mallets emulate the high-quality sound he desires for his award-winning compositions. Rattan shafts and rubber cores paired with special yarn and cord choices deliver a pure and natural sound that projects the full capabilities of your instrument. Vic Firth’s M227 Keyboard Mallets are hard and heavier, providing more articulation for large halls.
- GET THE BEST SOUND QUALITY - Vic Firth mallets are designed for the professional musician. Ney Rosauro, a world-renowned composer, chose Vic Firth to make his mallets because of the high quality and sound projection they offer.
- IDEAL FOR LARGE HALLS - If you're playing in a large hall, you'll need a mallet that can project your instrument's full capabilities. These Ney Rosauro designed mallets fit the bill perfectly.
- PURE AND NATURAL SOUND - Many keyboard mallets sacrifice quality for volume, but not these. Ney Rosauro's design results in a pure and natural sound that will make your music truly shine.
- HIGH-QUALITY - Vic Firth mallets are some of the best in the business, and these keyboard mallets are no exception.
- HEAR THE FULL POTENTIAL OF YOUR INSTRUMENT - Vic Firth M227 Keyboard Mallets are designed to project the sound of your instrument to its fullest potential. With a hard rubber core and rattan shaft, this mallet is perfect for large halls and gives you the articulation you need to make your performance shine.
Manufacturer Part Number | M227 |